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Serendipity in Serenbe: A Much-Needed Getaway

Sun., October 25 - Wed., October 28, 2020

by Jordan Michelle Cheater

So, what do you do when you desperately need a break?

You take a weekend getaway! This October, my parents and I decided to spend a few days at Serenbe in Palmetto, Georgia. It was filled with nature, hiking, and lots of furry friends. If you're in Georgia and looking for a break from reality or wanting to be in touch with nature, you'll LOVE Serenbe.

Serenbe is a wellness community and neighborhood that focuses on nature, fresh food, and well-being. Over 35,000 acres of meadows and forests connect restaurants with homes and local businesses. Serenbe redefines a new standard of living, with the goals of well-being and sustainability.


When we first arrived, I was immediately taken back by how calm and peaceful it was. There were acres of rolling hills and bright autumn leaves. There was no crazy Atlanta rush hour traffic or whaling sirens, only the sounds of hungry goats and sheep. I'll take that over a busy intersection any day!

Our cabin still had an hour or two before it was ready, so we decided to walk around and explore after the car ride. We drove through Selbourne Village and stopped at a roadside trail where we let our dog, Simone walk around and sniff. Meanwhile, I was distracted by the nearby homeowner’s stunning curb appeal. We hadn’t been here long at all, and I was already impressed.

After a short walk, we decided to grab lunch at The Blue Eyed Daisy in Selborne Village (totally recommend, btw). It’s a bakery-style cafe that specializes in sandwiches, pastries, coffee, and even wine.

A grilled cheese sammy with turkey, house-made slaw, and pasta salad? Yes, please!

We decided to walk around and explore after lunch in Selbourne. There were bookstores, cafes, markets, and general stores on one end, and homes on the other. I decided to make use of the in-ground trampolines located on the hill above the shops. The hill was a popular spot for the kids that attend the school across the street. Aside from the trampoline, the hill also had a sandbox, local library, and a large barn on the opposite side of the fence located in the distance.

At one point in the midst of taking photos we lost our dad, who had said he was just going to take a restroom break. Eventually, we found him, excited and out of breath. He told us to follow him, and that he had something neat he wanted to show us. My mom, Simone, and I followed him through the shops where it led to a woodland trail. I immediately whipped out my camera. I was in awe by the bold orange leaves and foliage. The trail quickly led to a bridge, which took us to the entrance into an enormous neighborhood. Eventually, we discovered that this neighborhood was a hamlet, called The Grange.

We felt so small in comparison to these homes. They were all so vast and perfectly pristine. Each home fit into the style of the neighborhood like a glove. None were out of place. My parents even talked to homeowners. They discussed how they loved their home and the community at Serenbe. When it came to groceries, the couple said they get the majority of theirs delivered… interesting!

One thing I noticed was that Serenbe is unlike any place I've been to. Every hamlet is unique and absolutely breathtaking. There are homes and rental properties that focus on all the elements of well-being: arts for inspiration, agriculture for nourishment, health for well-being, and education awareness. These are the four different hamlets: Melbourne (The Arts), Grange (Agriculture - our personal fav.), Mado (Health & Wellness), and Phase IV (Education).

Not long after, we received a call that our cabin was ready.

I was so excited when I found out we were staying in one of the cabins on the main Serenbe property. Not only did we have the cutest little space, but we scored a 360 view of the animals and nature. The goats were practically in our backyard, and in the evenings, the sheep were herded to the hill above our cabin. Needless to say, there were animals everywhere we looked, and I couldn't get enough of it.

After settling in, the first thing we wanted to do was explore the area around our cabin. We spent the rest of the afternoon discovering the animals and checking out the nearby amenities and nature trails.

The petting zoo was beside the main property, which had goats, sheep, chickens, cows, pigs. You name it, odds are they have it. The petting zoo offered buckets at the front gate filled with feed and ready to go. Serenbe thought of everything!

Serenbe offers fun activities for everyone. For those that are more outdoorsy, there’s the garden, pool, basketball court, canoes, and built-in ground trampolines scattered across Serenbe. For those who may prefer the indoors, each village contains restaurants, shops, and locally made art. There’s even a salon and spa for those looking to pamper themselves.

Oh, and did I mention... life-size chess?!

Everyone agreed to shower and relax before dinner later that evening. Mom took a nap, while dad and I watched a show we had never seen before, "Below Deck". My dad isn’t a much of a reality tv guy, but he is a boat guy… he was definitely into this! We could not stop watching this show throughout our entire stay.

We kicked off our first full day by eating dinner at the Serenbe clubhouse. Sundays are extra special at Serenbe. It's the only day of the week where they serve their famous fried chicken. Don't worry, none of Serenbe's animals were harmed in the making of these dishes! I wish I had gotten a picture of this meal... if you're a fried chicken enthusiast, you have GOT to try their fried chicken. But remember, they only serve it at the clubhouse on Sundays.

After stuffing ourselves, we decided to take our dog, Simone, on an evening walk. My parents and I explored more areas around the property we hadn’t seen yet. We discovered a barn where they were setting up for a rustic wedding. Down by the pond were canoes, and woodland trails that led from the opposite end of the bridge. That’s one of the cool things about Serenbe. There's so much to do and see, it's impossible to get bored here.


Night one in the cabin was a success. The rooms and beds were clean and cozy. Although I did wake up to the sounds of roosters and acorns hitting the tin roof… still, better than traffic!

Today, we decided to spend the majority of our day outdoors by hiking. Luckily, there was a trail that led from straight from our property. It started through the woods and across the meadow to one of the nearby hamlets. Of course, we got lost and made a loop. At least we’d know our way back.

We hiked all the way to the Mado hamlet, where we stopped for lunch at Halsa. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the food, but I definitely recommend this restaurant if you're visiting. They have so many yummy, healthy options. I scored a delicious salmon poke bowl.

Our afternoon eventually led to more animals. My parents and I decided to come back and feed them. That’s one thing I loved about our location. Whenever you felt bored, you could walk to the petting zoo and visit the animals because they were only a few feet away.

The mules got a bit feisty with one another so we quickly ended the feeding session.

The garden was another one of my favorite spots. It was always so peaceful, and absolutely stunning. Each day, the staff comes by to tend to the garden and check-up on its progress. The coolest part? All of the produce and vegetables in the garden are used in the dishes at Serenbe!


On our last full day, we decided to make it extra memorable by going horseback riding. Along with a trained guide, we took the meadow trails that led from the front entrance of Serenbe to the main waterfall. From there, we parked our horses in the woods and made time to admire the scenery and enjoy lunch, all custom-made from the clubhouse.

After horseback riding, we came back to our cabin and decided to shower and relax for the rest of the afternoon. Guess what was on? Below Deck, of course. After watching a few episodes, I attended a zoom call and made a few edits to a school project.

We decided to make the most of our evening by making one final round to visit the animals. When we asked one of the staff members if there was any feed for the sheep, we were completely blown away by their kindness and generosity. The staff drove back to the barn to get us an enormous bucket filled with feed!

This was the highlight of my night. When I was handed the bucket, the sheep immediately swarmed around me. They were attempting to eat the feed straight from the bucket or off of each other’s furry backs. It was hilarious!

When we first checked into Serenbe, we received a s’mores kit from the front desk. Tonight was the night we finally got to use it. My parents and I took Simone along with a bowl of homemade popcorn to the bonfire. The fire pit rests on a hill beside the barn and canoes. There’s even a keeping shed with slabs of wood piled high and ready for use. My dad had way too much fun being in charge of the fire.

My highlights from the fire pit were seeing bats in the night sky, and rescuing a small frog from hopping into the fire.


We packed up any remaining items and ordered breakfast to go from Halsa. I asked for salmon eggs Benedict with hash browns.

We left promptly at our check-out time, 10:30 a.m. We were so bummed to leave Serenbe. This trip had been some of the most fun we'd had in months. The best part was that our dog was able to join in on all the fun! Thank you, Serenbe, for giving us a memorable experience together as a family. We will definitely be back!


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